Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Blog Hop!

I'm so excited to be participating in my first blog hop -- and definitely not the last! More than 200 authors, bloggers, and readers are participating in the New Year's Blog Hop. It's very convenient, because actually my erotic romance short story takes place on New Year's Eve! (Read more about that below). And taking after the main character, Jenelle, I decided to do some New Year's Eve Confessions!

Confession #1: I ate way too much sugar in 2012.
I'm sorry (who am I apologizing to? My hips!) but I cannot stay away from cakes, cookies, candy, ice cream, toffee. . .and it's worse during the holidays! It's like your relatives are trying to fatten you up for the slaughter. Well, it's not all their fault -- I baked more pumpkin treats than I can count!

Confession #2: I spent more time reading romance than the serious literature my coworkers consume. 
This is only a confession for people who don't know me all that well. Sure, I heard about the Nobel-prize winning books, but you won't find them on my Kindle. Lately, you can find a LOT of New Adult romances! The Secret of Lila and Micha, Easy, The Edge of Never -- a perfect way way to spend my weekend.

Confession #3: I cruised Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook when I should have been working.
Pretty sure we're all guilty of this, right? Maybe I'm not anything special. The Internet is this world of information, all these different ways for people to connect and share stories. I love it! I love keeping up with friends and finding new ideas for recipes or house decor or crafts. 

Confession #4: I don't plan on changing a thing.
Okay, there are a FEW things I'll change -- I'll be writing and publishing romance like a madwoman, for one. I'll be implementing more fruits and veggies into my diet. I'll be looking at less lolcats and reading more thought-provoking articles. But all of these things, they bring me pleasure and I like them and sometimes I love them. It's all about balance, but in general, I don't want to cut them out of my life. 

In my erotic romance short story, New Year's Eve Confessions, Jenelle is home after a few months teaching in Greece. She meets up with Darren, the old friend she's been crushing on for two years, and she's ready to make a few confessions of her own. If you're interested in reading it, it's available pretty much everywhere ebooks are sold: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, All Romance Ebooks, and iTunes.

The Prizes! 
When you comment with your e-mail, you will be entered into a drawing for:
~ A $10 Gift Card from me (your choice of Amazon or B&N!)
~ The three grand prizes:
1st Grand Prize (International): A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet
2nd Grand Prize (International): A $300 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
3rd Grand Prize (US Only): A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more! 

All you have to do to enter is comment with your own confession! And don't forget your e-mail address!

See everyone participating (over 200 giveaways to enter!):


  1. I did the same thing, cruised Pinterest when I should have been doing other things. The recipes are hard to resist... tchevrestt(at)

  2. Confession::
    I have ate to many sweets and put of working out :( and loosing baby fat...
    I have been caught reading when I should be doing other things..
    I have took the time to slack off on house hold responsiblities for my reading habits .. ;)

    oH and I do crusie the interent often
    Happy New Year

  3. I gave in and said 'yes' to far too many things I really didn't want to do last year. I just feel soooo guilty when I don't. Here's to being less of a push-over this year.

    always.and.never AT gmail DOT com

  4. I don't think it's a confession if everybody does it, is it? My confession: I didn't get out enough, preferring to sit and dream and type while looking out at the park. M. S. meredithATmeredithellsworthDOTcom

  5. That's why I don't use Pinterest (yet)- I know I'll waste all my time on it :P

    my confession: I procrastinate by reading instead.


  6. I didn't exercise as much as I wanted!


  7. I want to read more this year.
    Thanks for the giveaway! And Happy New Year!

  8. Happy New Year! I have been dieting since March and sometimes cheat a little.
    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

  9. I eat too many sweets. Happy New Year!


  10. I LOVE your confessions. I confess that for the last 10 days I have gotten absolutely NO exercise (even though I told myself I would) and had more than a couple of days that I did not get out of my PJs.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  11. Ha, I enjoyed your confessions.
    I didn't do enough in general.
    Happy New Year!
    t.abule (a) yahoo (dot) com

  12. Happy New Year!


  13. Thanks so much for a great beginning to a New Year. For this year I need to find a job since I’m graduating college this Spring, so yup.


  14. My confession: I ate too much this holiday. WAY too much. Not just sugar, not just carbs, but everything. Oh well. Happy new year :)


  15. My confession: I watch all the trash reality shows. Shame on me :(
    Happy new year and thanks for the giveaway!
    movie1997 at live dot it

  16. My confession I read while supposed to be working stupid kindle app lol I love it. danelle.

  17. My confession: I consumed more sugar than you did in 2012. Trust me.
    Happy New Year and thanks for the giveaway!
    pinkbonanza{ AT }gmail{ DOT }com

  18. I usually toss my clutter behind closest doors rather than cleaning it

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

  19. My confession: I am supposed to be doing work, but I heard about this blog hop and I am having to much fun finding new authors to try than work.....I am bad ; )

    Thanks so much for participating! Happy New Years!

  20. Thank you for sharing your confessions.

    Here's mine: I forgot about myself in 2012. I was too busy taking care of everything that I let my health go -- and it resulted in a health scare (and a trip to the emergency room) in the later part of the year.

    I've started to give myself my own time and we've taken steps as a family to eat and live healthier.

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    Here's to a wonder-filled and happy 2013 for all of us!

    - Tin (khriscc at yahoo dot com)

  21. My confession: I ate the last cookie and blamed the dogs... several times!

    cristinegasser (at) gmail (dot) com

  22. I ate way too much junk food!
    Thanks for the chance and Happy New Year!

  23. I got lazy towards the end and let a lot of things go that I shouldn't have...regretting it now...ugh...

  24. Happy New Year! Thank you for sharing your heart and your soul with us through your books for another year!

  25. I procrastinated TOO much.

    chelseawoodring at hotmail dot com

  26. I didn't stick to writing as much as I said :( changing that this year!

    I hope you have a great year :)

    Thanks again!


  27. I want to try and stop smoking and eat healthier.

    Dawna N.


  28. played games
    happy new year! Thanks
    mrsbrinius at comcast dot net
    going to try to lose weight this year

  29. Well, this year I ate way too much. It's now time to lose weight...
    Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  30. Hmm: too much chocolate, books and laziness. I's only like to change the latter. :)
    Happy New Year!

  31. super kewl giveaway, thanks for participating! I worried too much this year.
    jennirv4967 at gmail dot com

  32. I read blogs and emails at work when I was supposed to be working:)

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  33. I am a scatterbrain and often cruise facebook and blogs when i should be doing homework or folding clothes... I hate folding clothes lol.

  34. Happy New Year and thanks for the hop.

  35. I ate very poorly but deliciously lol
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  36. I totally fell off the motivation wagon with my weight loss - way past time to get back with the program!

    My enthusiastic thank-you's, too for this cool giveaway!


  37. I confess... that I did not exercise a single day over chrismas break. It didn't help that I was sick. But that didn't stop me from eating ALL the cheesy potatoes.
    Thanks for the fun and Happy 2013!

  38. I played on the web too long instead of cleaning the house >.<


  39. Confessions? I to spent a lot of time reading. I love my romance and I won't feel bad about it. ;-)

    Internet time was more then I usually spend, but I am going to try and do better this year. I need more time on so I can enter more blog hops.

    I don't really eat a lot....just the wrong things sometimes. Gotta have my coffee and I love my chocolate (in moderation), but still gotta have it.

    Happy New Year!

    Deb T

  40. LOL, I loved your confessions and the fact that your not changing a thing. No resolutions for me this year either ha ha.

    I just want to live one day at a time and see where life takes me, just be happy and hopefully good karma will come back around and return the favor. LOL

    Happy New Year

  41. I ate too many sweets myself last year. Happy New Year!
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  42. Happy New Year!

    My resolution is to spend more time on myself. I spread myself to thin. Maybe getting a cloning machine up and running would help!


  43. I have to finish losing this extra weight I should have already had off long ago!
    Thanks for the hop!
    deethomas291 at gmail dot com

  44. I ate WAY more sugar in 2012 than should be legal!
    Thank you for participating in the New Year Blog Hop!
    Best Wishes in 2013
    uilani25 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  45. Loved this post! My sugar content this year was over the top! But I'm not going to change either. I love my sugar. I will just exercise more to make up for it, maybe. Thanks for the giveaway. sletten at

  46. Happy New Year!!

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  47. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! I'm going to lose 25 # and read 52 + books this year.


  48. My confession - I was not very active in 2012.
    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

  49. I eat way to much chocolate and I also have no plans on stopping! lol

  50. I ate too much chocolate, sugar and bread. Walking is so going to happen this year!

  51. I confess that I ate too much sugar, meat, fat...okay just food in general in 2012. I hope to change that in 2013.

  52. I ate way to much frosting. Not Cake, Just the frosting...lmbo
    Happy New Year
    Missie Jones
    missie25524 (at) netzero (dot) com

  53. My goal is to not yell, I yell to much, lol. Thx for the hop stop.

    blinkysthebest at aol dot com

  54. I'm with you on #4 ;) happy new year
    gamistress66 (at0 aol (dot) com

  55. I let too many little things get to me, and too many big things too.

  56. I love your confessions and I am guilty of the whole list! But it if more fun bring naughty!!
    Thanks for doing the hop!! Ya gotta get on Goodreads so I can stalk...I mean follow you and add New Year's Eve Confessions to my TBR list!!!


  57. I love your confessions. Sounds much like mine. But without the sugar, romance books, and wonderful social media I wouldn't be the wonderful person I am today! So I will most definitely be doing #4.

    Happy New Year.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  58. A bad diet and need to do more exercise for this coming year.

  59. Confession #1 about too much sugar hits home, and being on the internet too much.

    strive4bst(At) yahoo(Dot) com

  60. i ate a whole box of chocolate covered strawberries by myself i couldn't help it they were so good
    kaholgate at ymail dot com

  61. I didn't get enough sleep.
    Entering for Grand Prizes.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  62. Happy New Year to you!
    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  63. Hi! Happy New Years! Thanks for the awesome hop and all the giveaways! This is so fun! I love these hops! I always meet new authors, reconnect with old ones and my TBR list grows by leaps and bounds! Thank you!! Have a great day! Best wishes and many blessings to you!

  64. I spent too many hours rediscovering my love for a certain computer game that's now 11 years ago. I lost about two months of free time playing through, but I don't regret it at all.

    tp DOT quixotic AT gmail DOT com

  65. i spent too much time on tumblr and facebook...and probably read too many books!

    Happy New Year

  66. Happy New Year! My New Years traditions are easy, I spend time with my family and friends. I can’t think of a better way to ring in the new year. My resolutions this year is as always to loose a few pounds and spend a little more time with my family.

  67. thanks for the hop

  68. I spent time reading when I should have been out doing stuff.

  69. Thank you for your giveaway! I love confession #4!

    annettekz2 AT yahoo DOT com

  70. Thanks for participating! I like to spend New Years at home. Enjoy 2013! katieamanda1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  71. Thanks for the chance to win! My confession - I've spent to much time entering blog hops for the hopes of winning books and amazon gift cards! :-)

    kacidesigns AT yahoo DOT com

  72. Thanks for the great giveaway! Happy New Year!

    thompsonem3 at aol dot com

  73. Happy New Year.


  74. Guilty of #3!!!
    Another confession... hmm...
    I ate the last kiffle. It was tasty! No regrets.

    Happy New Year from ! I hope you have a great one. Thanks for taking part in the hop.

  75. Thanks for the giveaway! My confession is my overall diet was horrible last year--I am going to eat better this year!


  76. Oh, no! Don't worry, it will grow back! And guess what?? You won the $10 gift card! Check your email :)
